Critical Thinking is the Yin to the Design Thinking Yang

Back in 1999, Peter Drucker discussed the Paradigm of Change Model in his book “Management Challenges for the 21st Century“, and suddenly you could hear an ominous crackle in the rusty management sail of the world’s corporate elite.

Did you say Change?

He was able to influence thousands of businesses to rethink management and become more forward-looking and forward-thinking rather than the “natural human tendency of clinging to yesterday’s successes that are no longer useful”.

In the waves of change we find our true direction. – Unknown


Critical Thinking is a process built on creativity and passion guided with disciplined, common sense and practicality. Relying on Socratic Dialogue, it is widely used in businesses to find solutions to problems that require tracking, analyzing and reporting. Policies, procedures and standards are then required for an increased level of efficiency and accuracy. Most businesses rely on analytics to drive their strategy rather than coming up with innovative tactics that challenge the stale proven success, that’s “been done before”.

Beyond the comfort zone

Design Thinking is a positive look at the potential future state of the problem to find a solution. As a solution-focused process, it starts with the goal in mind instead of the problem, then applies a simultaneous series of creative, empathetic and rational steps to build up ideas. With a “no right or wrong answer” approach, this process eliminate fear and maximizes the collaboration at the ideation stage. This brings forth a set of positive and valuable common goals: creativity, diversified thinking, team-work, end-user experience and curiosity.

A Yin to the Yang

By infusing Design Thinking with the Critical Thinking process, a flood of revolutionary (or semi-revolutionary) ideas begins to flow in your organization without being limited by the voice of operative reason.

The product is an incredibly complimentary, capable and encompassing process of problem-solving. A process accepting of innovative, motivating and fearless ideas. Ideas that are validated and supported by an army of reason, facts and data, plus the experience to drive forth soon-to-be “a-ha” moments and “wow” in the long run from many delighted clients.

One last thought.

If an egg is broken by an outside force, life ends. If broken by an inside force, life begins. Great things always begin from the inside. – Unknown

Change can only be lead and conducted successfully when it’s from within.

If you’re embarking on a major organizational change, check out Kotter International’s 8-step process for leading change.

If you’re contemplating a personal change, read Robin Sharma’s interview with Richard Branson, and check out his Free 4-videos to achieve awesome results.


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